Two things are true. The first truth is Hillary, Biden and a host of other Democrats need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The 2nd truth is Trump is his own worst enemy. He doesn’t know when or how to keep his yap shut and he should’ve returned the documents when the National Archives requested them and not played cat & mouse games with the National Archives, DOJ and the FBI. If you are already a target, why make yourself more of a target and give the other side more ammo to use against you? This is why I hope Trump goes away and we have someone like DeSantis who can bring sanity to the Office of the President instead of the news spending 30 minutes discussing Trumps 2AM tweets while he’s taking a dump.

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Imagine a world where Biden gets prosecuted for his long standing pay to play corruption schemes only made possible by his number one son, and Trump gets prosecuted for his long standing ability to defy the truth, giving us a real presidential race between Kennedy and Desantis where the American voters actually have voice.

But, then I woke up (as from a state of dreams and not as being a member of a cult) only to find Trump goes to jail for telling a deep state operative that he has no stinking classified records not belonging to him and Biden then becomes the Parties leader of record being fully endorsed by big pharma, the military complex, cocaine infused hedge fund managers, and the socially awkward tech aristocracy, but then he trips and dies and Harris loudly hackles her way to the beloved Oval Office; such a true American dream story, with the added benefit that all conservatives, bowing down to the election results, turn-in all their firearms in a nationwide gun buy-back event.

You see, there is a silver lining beneath all that orange hair.

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