Vol. I | Issue. 29 | September 20, 2021
There is only one nation in the world whose decline has been elective, not inevitable. That nation is our own United States of America. Every other nation, in history, has experienced a decline from its apex of power, influence, standard of living, and general welfare, as the unfortunate tide of history has dictated.
Typically this national decline has been dictated by a dearth of natural resources, unfortunate geography, an unstable political system, and internal/ external existential threats. In most cases, the decline of nations and empires has been caused by a combination in some measure of each of these factors. However, never has there been a nation so abundantly endowed that absent its own death wish such a decline would be nearly impossible.
America, unlike any other nation on earth, has everything to sustain itself as that "Shining City on a Hill '' described by Ronald Reagan. We have perfect geography, self-sustaining natural and agricultural resources, a sound constitutional political system, including our much-envied rule of law.
But buried in some part of the American psyche, we are intent, not in striving to make a more perfect Union, but in destroying the nearly perfect one that we have. The American system is self-correcting when we choose to chart our own course. The psychosis of the Left and their hatred for this country incessantly harangue about the incurable disease of American racism. However, no other nation through its constitution or governing system has provided the mechanism to destroy the inherent flaws and imperfections of their society.
As an example, The United States Supreme Court, once an All-White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male cast of characters, now contains only a single “WASP” male warming its benches. The current cast of nine includes three women (one Jewish), one Jewish male, one black, 3 white male Catholics, and a single white Protestant male. How is that for a Seachange of Personnel? I hope that adds up to nine… If they stack the Court the numbers will change.
That is not to say that things are or ever were perfect. America is not perfect but can be perfectible.
Were you to ask most immigrants why it is that they chose America as the destination of their dreams, the most common answer would be ...for a better life for me and my children...
We have conveyed that message to the world by and through what has been our chief export since we first opened our doors to those from other lands.
The ideal of democracy, as an export has given rise to waves of immigration giving America its greatest import, its people. That immigrant population has sewn the seeds of the American success story since our inception. Without having the language to be more particularly articulate in their burning passion to immigrate to America, they have come to pursue and enjoy those foundational elements of the American Way that were so foreign to them in their native land. Those elements are the philosophy, system, and sacred tradition of individual freedom, personal responsibility, independent thought, innovation, freedom of expression, speech, freedom of religion initiative, meritocracy, blind justice, and capitalism (See The American Way).
There is no export that has been more powerful or important than our example to the world.
Now let's discuss the import of bad ideas. For reasons, not readily definable, but ever-present, the failed ideas of Communism, Socialism, and some vague idea of World governance, through a corrupt United Nations of largely malevolent intent towards America, and our only always ally, Israel, working to strip America of its sovereignty have been flooding the American inbox for as long as these diseased formulations have existed. Despite their abject failure in every nation they have plagued, they have become an existentially threatening menace to our American Democracy.
Socialism and Marxism are no longer relegated to the fringes of our political culture but have become mainstreamed and weaponized by the Democrat party. If we continue to ignore the foundational changes that these awful foreign imports as implemented by their current political advocates, America will not be recognizable as the Land of the Free in less than a decade.
Let's send all of these terrible imports back to their countries of origin, and fight hard to preserve and protect The American Way.